Blackfield Primary School

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Entering Year R

Welcome to Blackfield Primary School

It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all of you and your children as they embark on their learning journey in Year R. Blackfield Primary School is one of five schools which make up The Inspire Learning Partnership, including Fawley Infant School, Blackfield Nursery, Hightown Primary School, St Monica Primary School and Kanes Hill Primary School.

We are a nurturing, supportive school and we know how important it is that your child settles in quickly so that they can achieve their potential academically, emotionally, socially and physically. To enable your child to transition effectively to our school it’s imperative to work in partnership with parents. 

Supporting transition into school

Starting school is an important landmark in your child’s life.  This booklet is designed to answer your questions and help you and your child have a relaxing and smooth transition into school life.  It also offers advice on how you can reassure your child and help to make starting school an exciting and enjoyable experience.

As a team we are passionate about making sure your child has the best possible start to their education.  A key part of this is how we carefully consider and support your child’s transition into school so that they feel safe, happy and cared for.

The below booklet will help you with some of the key information that you may need to know before your child starts school, however nothing is better than coming in and having a face to face talk with a member of staff if ever you are unsure.

Year R Welcome Booklet 2024-2025

Welcome to Blackfield Primary School Year R - 2024
