Remote Education
At Blackfield Primary and Nursery School we understand how important it is to be able to offer a high quality remote education to our children who are not attending school due to local or national emergency.
Children will use online learning platforms which are familiar to them and that they know how to navigate. Our teachers design learning to replicate the in-school experience as best as possible and for children to be independent where they can be, depending on the age and stage of the child.
Here you will find our Remote Education Offer:
Below you will find our proposed timetable for each key stage.
Click on the timetables and they will take you to a page of quick-links to all sites we provide access for your children.
EYFS Timetable
Key Stage 1 Timetable
Key Stage 2 Timetable
Main Platforms Used
All of our children have access to several websites and applications which can support them with their education. The majority of our remote education is provided through Seesaw for the whole school and key stage 2 also have access to Century. Please click the logos below to take you to the login pages for each app.
Online Learning Help Videos
Using Seesaw at home
This video shows you how you can access Seesaw using a range of devices.
Please note: Parents/Carers should download the SeeSaw Class app, NOT the Seesaw Family app.
Using Century at Home
Century is an intelligent online learning platform which gives teachers live data on how children respond to the learning they set. Here is a video explaining how to login and use the platform.
Using Times Tables Rock Stars at Home
TTRS is an online platform where children can practice their times tables, competing against themselves, each other and earning coins for their online avatar.
Using Numbots at Home
Numbots is aimed at younger children and focuses on building children's understanding of place value, addition and subtraction.
Using Oxford Owl at Home
Oxford Owl is the portal where children can access a wealth of online ebooks, which are banded to match the books which children learn to read in school. If you need to know which band your child should be reading, please contact their teacher on ClassDojo or via the admin office.
Using Spelling Shed at Home
Spelling Shed is an online platform which teachers use set appropriate spellings for your child to practice and compete against themselves and others.